Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Memory Boosting Foods

Childern of today are with all the emphasis on academic excellence, children feel the pressure to do their exams. This is when the brain is taxed stuff to a maximum of information in the shortest time. The supply of nutrients is of utmost importance for the students to perform well. Follow these diet guidelines to ensure optimum performance during the tests:

Kickstart breakfast
In order to avoid breakfast starch loading and sugary foods. They increase blood glucose levels by a sudden crisis that makes you sleepy followed. Since the brain is stable blood sugar, fiber-rich foods such as broken wheat porridge, wholemeal bread sandwich, paratha cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, eggs, toast and cereal with milk is recommended required.

Brain-friendly food
The brain needs certain fats for proper functioning. Omega-3 fatty acids improve brain function significantly protected by promoting memory, alertness and attention span, and also the brain from the effects of aging. Get your daily updates of omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed, walnuts, tofu and fish.

Memory fats
Phospholipids are fats known to increase memory and attention. Of all the phospholipids - acetylcholine, choline and dimethylaminoethanol are the most important. They reduce anxiety, improve attention and promote learning. Egg yolks, organ meats and seafood are also good for the brain.

You can also beat exam stress with B complex, vitamin C and zinc. Fresh fruits and vegetables such as amla or gooseberry, green pepper, kiwi, broccoli, strawberries, mushrooms, soy and whole grains are rich in vitamins. B-complex supplements with zinc to increase immunity and coupled energy levels.

Proteins maintain the brain cells and help in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, or messengers of the brain essential for your child to keep awake. Meals must be at least one source of protein - dairy, eggs, whole pulses and dals, fish and lean meat.

Keep yourself well hydrated keeps the brain awake and focused. Make sure that you are at least two liters of water daily. Sip of water at frequent intervals.

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